BLOG 120220: Why Plan? Here's the #1 (Simple) Reason!

Why Plan? Here's the #1 (Simple) Reason!

Wow! It's December already... and you have your plans for 2021, right?! 

In the last blog, I gave you four external areas in which to start your planning process. If you missed it or would like to review it, click here.

The next thing to do is consider your internal environment and do a SWOT analysis in these three areas:

  1. the 4 Ps (product, price, promotion, place - McCarthy, 1960)
  2. your reputation in your industry
  3. your internal resources:
    1. financial
    2. intellectual property
    3. human
    4. physical

Okay, so let's go back to the question I posed in the subject line of this email... Why plan? Answer that question for yourself, then ask that question of your team. What do they say?

If you haven't been hiding under a rock, you've likely heard the oft-quoted statement that goes something like this... "No plan survives first contact with the enemy." 

This is a (very) simplified paraphrase of a much more detailed, nuanced assertion by the brilliant Prussian strategist, Field Marshall, and Chief of Staff Helmut von Moltke — a student of Clausewitz.

This is a truism in war because your enemy gets to vote. They can choose to observe-orient-decide-act (the OODA loop), rapidly planning a response to your plans. But does that obviate the need to plan? Short answer... NO! 

So, why plan? 

The simplest reason is that planning gives you insight on what to DO today. That's the main reason to plan. It informs your actions NOW.

(There are other reasons to plan, but I want to focus on this one in this email.)

Is what you're doing today leading to the successful achievement of your goals in 2021? If your answer is "yes," can you defend it?

Another way to ask that question is, "What are you doing now that's linked to your core goals for 2021?"

I suggest you keep your new year goals to a handful. One mistake I often encounter with clients is WAY too many goals. Things become overwhelming for everyone. 

So, keep it tight... keep it to just a few "most important" goals, create your plan to achieve them, assign responsibilities, hold everyone accountable, and focus on what you need to do today to achieve success.

Special offer

Would you like some help with YOUR plans for 2021? Would you like to bounce your ideas off of someone? Then, I'd like to offer you a FREE, no-obligation, 30-minute Zoom call, at your convenience.

Email me and let me know you'd like to take advantage of this opportunity.

And, here's how I can specifically help you. My strengths are being able to:

  • move your ideas from conceptual theory to concrete practice
  • energize your plans and ideas
  • ending stalemates and spurring action
  • create motion and momentum
  • help you succeed
  • identify and marshall your strengths
  • turn your potential into greatness
  • help you look over the horizon.

I welcome your comments as always, and hope to talk to you!

Jim Castiglia, Founder 
Business Street Fighter Consulting, LLC