BLOG 090920: Learn Strategy #4 to Manage Around Your Weaknesses!

Learn Strategy #4 to Manage Around Your Weaknesses!

My last three blogs have provided creative strategies for managing around your weaknesses, rather than ignoring them.

(The problem with ignoring them is that they can be BIG liabilities to your performance.)

So here's the fourth strategy available to address a lethal weakness, courtesy of Gallup's extensive research.

Strategy #4: Find a Partner!

The world of business has indoctrinated us to think that an effective employee is a well-rounded one. Well, cows can fly too!

Gallup found that excellent performers had perfected the art of complementary partnering.

Do you know someone who has strengths that can complement your weaknesses? These weaknesses could be in three areas:

  • talents
  • knowledge, or
  • skills.

Are you weak on strategic thinking? Is there someone around you who has that particular talent of asking "what if?"

Are you impatient? Is there someone you respect who could slow you down?

Do you break out in hives when details have to be addressed? Is there someone with whom you work who loves details and gets excited about handling them... the more the better!

Keep this key idea in mind... it takes a strong person to ask for help

Catch up on prior strengths/weaknesses blogs here, and look for my next one on creative strategy #5.

Jim Castiglia, Founder 
Business Street Fighter Consulting, LLC