BLOG 090220: Learn How To Manage This Specific Weakness & Improve Your Performance! - Strategy #1

Strategy #1

Learn How To Manage This Specific Weakness & Improve Your Performance!

Yesterday's blog listed five ways to manage around a weakness. This blog will detail the first of those five strategies in more detail.

Strategy #1: Get a little better at it!

As Nike says, "Just DO it!" That's the key to this first strategy.

If you're not strong in organizing for example, and that's part of your role's baseline requirements, adopt a simple organizational system, like David Allen's Getting Things Done—The Art of Stress-free Productivity, study it and put it to use. 

If you lack specific communication skills, buy a book on communicating, study the material, and use some or all of those techniques.

Gallup calls it "hunkering down." And, that's what it is and it's what's required. 

It's likely you don't have to be a master of these weaknesses (If mastery is required, are you in the right role???), just able enough to execute them at the "survival level."

If you find doing this activity of hunkering down is too draining, watch for tomorrow's blog on Strategy #2: Design a Support System.

Would you like to catch up and read all the prior blogs on strengths and weaknesses? Click here!

Best regards,

Jim Castiglia, Founder 
Business Street Fighter Consulting, LLC