BLOG 111320: What is the Electoral College and why it took effect in 1789

What is the Electoral College and why it took effect in 1789

If you don't really understand what the electoral college is, click The Essential Electoral College for an excellent and succinct explanation by the Heritage Foundation.

You'll learn the following:

  • the origins of the electoral college
  • some of the myths and misinformation about the electoral college
  • how the electoral college actually works.

And here's the History Channel's write up on it for additional insight.

You'll learn how the electoral college was a hard-fought compromise that wasn't perfect but, it was effective.

I hope you read my recent blog about America being "The Arguing Country" and why that's good. If not, you can click here and look for the blog post titled, If You're Tired of the Arguing in Today's Politics, You MUST Read This!

Contact me at the number below or send me an email if you want to discuss your situation. I look forward to hearing from you.

Jim Castiglia, Founder 
Business Street Fighter Consulting, LLC