BLOG 080620: How To Be Fully Engaged In Your Work & Help Others Do The Same!

How To Be Fully Engaged In Your Work & Help Others Do The Same! 

Learn the 4 stages to "full engagement!" 

What's the secret to "full engagement" personally and professionally?

At work, if you lead or manage others, it's critical to master this journey. At home, it's essential for fulfillment.

If you've read my two prior blog posts, you'll be on the right track to full engagement. You can read them here.

When a new employee joins you, they start a journey... a psychological odyssey that could lead them to be fully engaged in their work, bringing their best every day. Like any new relationship, it's filled with hope and enthusiasm.

Here's a way to ensure that their journey will lead them to the powerful destination of full engagement, where they're focused, feel a sense of achievement, and give their best. 

The Mountain Climbing Analogy

The Gallup Organization compares the passage to climbing a mountain. This metaphor resonated with me because of my 1985 experience on a trek to the Mt. Everest region of Nepal. (See attached photo of the Thyangboche Monastery - 12,700 ft.) 

That odyssey was a powerful physical AND psychological experience with many unexpected challenges.

Gallup's mountain climbing analogy relates to how critical the major stages are to a successful climb. Each stage prepares the person for the next. 

Now, let's focus on the FOUR main "camps" up the mountain.

Base Camp — What Do I Get?

At "Base Camp," your new employee is asking the question, "What do I get?" They want to know your expectations and whether or not they'll have the support they'll need to get the job done.

Camp 1 — What Do I Give?

At "Camp 1," they're asking this question: "What do I give?" Will they have the opportunity to do what they do best every day, will they receive recognition, will they be able to develop their skills and knowledge, etc.?

Camp 2 — Do I Belong Here?

At "Camp 2," they're asking the question, "Do I belong here?" Their perspective has widened. Do they want to know whether others share their value system? Does what they say matter? Is their job important? And, is there someone at work with whom they closely connect?

Camp 3 — How Can We All Grow?

At "Camp 3," they're asking the question, "How do we all grow?" This is the most advanced stage of the climb. They want to know if they can make things better.

If you're getting close to full agreement on these four stages, you'll have a fully engaged employee.

What about you? Are you able to answer the questions positively and strongly at all four stages?

Management's MAIN JOB is to focus on the first two camps. Without this focus, you'll have an "epidemic of mountain sickness." Believe me, you can't cheat! Just like on the actual mountain.

Would you like to learn more? Then drop me a reply ( or call me at 919.263.1256 and tell me about your specific situation. 

I've been studying and applying this information to my clients for years. I just may be able to point you in the right direction.

Jim Castiglia, Founder 
Business Street Fighter Consulting, LLC