BLOG 071020: 3 Powerful & Life-Altering Actions To Take Now (While You Have Time)

3 Powerful & Life-Altering Actions To Take Now (While You Have Time)

With the coronavirus pandemic changing the dynamics of life and business, do these 3 actions NOW!

Legendary author (30+ books) and business guru Peter Drucker once declared, “Most Americans do not know what their strengths are. When you ask them, they look at you with a blank stare, or they respond in terms of subject knowledge, which is the wrong answer.”

He also said, “Most people think they know what they are good at. They are usually wrong… and yet, a person can perform only from strength.”

Everyone has unique talent and gifts. These talents are seared into our brains early in life. The problem is, that we're so close to these talents, we can't see them. So, let me ask you a question... do you have the opportunity to do what you do best, every day? 

If you've ever wasted your time and energy doing activities for which you have no talent, you know how it feels... it's frustrating, awkward, and draining. You feel like something just isn't right; you feel like a phony. You might even tell yourself that with a little more effort, a little more discipline, you'll nail it.

But, no matter how much effort you put forth, it never works. It always feels forced and fragmented... the opposite of "flow."

With all that’s going on right now, take this opportunity to #1 begin identifying your strengths and consciously apply them to your work and your life. The benefit? You’ll have a much better quality of life!

#2, start identifying the strengths of the people around you, especially those with whom you work. If you have direct reports, can you answer the question, “What are their strengths? What activities do they perform consistently and at “near-perfect?” What are their striving talents, thinking talents, and relating talents?”

Thirdly, STOP trying to fix people (and yourself)! Focusing on weaknesses is a waste of time, effort, energy, and money.

Here’s why…

1) Your talents and strengths are unique… AND enduring.

2) Your greatest growth in life happens around your greatest strengths!

I’ve worked with people for the last 42 years on personal and professional development. Specifically, I’ve been helping people identify and enhance their strengths and minimize their weaknesses since 1997. Some of the benefits they’ve experienced are:

  • more enjoyment and ease at work and at home
  • greater productivity and effortless performance
  • less stress in all areas
  • greater clarity
  • more energy
  • enthusiastic growth mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually
  • more fun.

If you think now is the right time for you to align yourself with your true talents and strengths, email me ( or call me (919-263-1256) and we’ll discuss your specific situation and more importantly, what actions you can take to move forward.

Jim Castiglia, Founder 
Business Street Fighter Consulting, LLC